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12 ago 20223 Min. de lectura
5 Awesome Summer Staycation Ideas for the Whole Family!
What is a Staycation you ask? Stay·ca·tion /ˌstāˈkāSHn/ noun INFORMAL a vacation spent in one's home country rather than abroad, or one...
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6 ago 20223 Min. de lectura
5 Games to Play With the Family This Summer, While Practising Your English
Last month, we talked about some easy habits you could integrate into your day to keep practising your English during the summer break....
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29 jul 20221 Min. de lectura
CRAFT TIME! Make Swimming Jellyfish With Miss Ana!
In this video, Miss Ana shows us how to make a fun and easy jellyfish craft, whether at home or on vacation. Here are the materials you...
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21 jul 20223 Min. de lectura
¡ 5 lugares para visitar este verano con tus peques en CDMX!
¡El verano está aquí! Llega la mejor época del año para tus peques, y para disfrutar en familia :) En este blog, Miss Moni les comparte 5...
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7 jul 20222 Min. de lectura
5 Ways to Keep Practising Your English During the Summer Break
Happy July! Some of us may be taking a break from regular school activities this summer, but how can we keep practising our English so...
239 visualizaciones0 comentarios
22 jun 20221 Min. de lectura
¡ Curso de verano, manualidades para papá y mucho más !
Join Miss Adri and Miss Mon, as they teach you how to make a fun Activity Cup craft that you can recreate at home. This activity is sure...
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22 jun 20222 Min. de lectura
5 maneras para seguir festejando a papá
“He aprendido que cuando un recién nacido aprieta con su pequeño puño, por primera vez, el dedo de su padre, lo tiene atrapado por...
25 visualizaciones0 comentarios
15 jun 20223 Min. de lectura
5 lugares para visitar este fin de semana con papá
El día del padre es una celebración que se realiza todos los años el segundo domingo del mes de Junio, este año será el 19 de Junio por...
37 visualizaciones0 comentarios
31 mar 20221 Min. de lectura
Thank You for a Very Memorable Birthday!
On Saturday, March 12th, we celebrated our 8th birthday at Helen Doron English CDMX! Thank you to our wonderful community, teachers,...
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12 ene 20224 Min. de lectura
Start This Year, Inspired!
2022 Goal Setting for Kids With almost half of January checked off of our calendars, it isn’t too late to set goals for ourselves and...
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17 dic 20212 Min. de lectura
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like...🎄
5 Festive Holiday Bonding Activities for the Whole Family The holidays are just around the corner, which means we will finally get to...
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11 nov 20212 Min. de lectura
Gratitude and Kindness! Pass It On!
TEACHING GRATITUDE TO OUR KIDS WITH MISS CLAUDIA! Every now and then, we expect our children to be amazed by the surprise trip we...
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